Breakfast Fruit

How I usually start my day - lots of fruit, a bit of cereal, almond milk and Greek yogurt. Mmmm. I bought another flat of those golden raspberries so you see those here - along with blueberries, cherries, mango, banana and peach. I can't believe that when I was younger I wasn't very fond of fruit. Now I just love it. Check out the large version of the fruit.

Today I spent quite a bit of time on my computer finishing my photo book for our France trip we took in 2006. I decided to do a book since it is such a great way to remember a trip. I've discovered that I really love the books that My Publisher puts out. I choose the extra glossy paper and the "lay flat" option and the photos really pop and it's easy to look at them without losing stuff in the spine of the book. I finished today because there is a 50% off sale and I wanted to take advantage of it.

Steve and Kai joined us for dinner tonight with Larry too. We had salmon, salad and French bread and ice cream for desert. Yum! And the sun was warm and shiny all day long.

Hope you all had great days too.

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