Speaking photographically

By GaganBir


I am not sure why I took this 'non-intended' break but I guess it was probably a state of affairs or more aptly a state of mind.

One thing though is for sure, that my mind was nowhere close to tranquility. It is an essence that I so desire these days but it eludes me as always. The best I have managed to do is to vary it and feel tranquil in the hope that it is a representation of the real feeling.

This picture was taken some time back and I guess I will do some back blipping for a while. Not that I cannot do more but I feel like I would lose the opportunity to share my feelings if I do not share the moments which I had clicked earlier.

At this moment I can say that I like coming back on this wonderful platform and it gives me a sense of share that we all need.

More importantly I get to read all your beautiful moments and it gives me immense pride that I am a part of this creative community who share without reserve.

Till the next blip ... Thank You

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