Journey Through Time

By Sue

Everything is Humming Along

I went outside for a bit, and the hummingbirds or one hummingbird anyway, was making quite a racket.  They make a chipping sound, chip, chip, chip, chip, or chit,chit, chit...if you prefer.  I finally located this one and took a few shots, then it flew to a different part of the trees, and chip, chip, chit, chit, and then it flew back to it's original area, and chip, chip, chit, chit. I was able to get quite a few photos of her.  I don't know if this is a territorial thing or a mating call, but she was very vocal.  

Also, check out in Extras the gorgeous blossoms our amaryllis put forth yesterday.  It's fun watching them grow.  This was given to us at the Christmas party we went to for Bill's work and I'm glad we didn't kill it off!  I do think they are pretty hardy.  

Hope all is humming along nicely in your corner of the world.

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