One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Thriving coffee culture

Molly was very tempted by Fionnuala's offer to pop into Starbucks at the top of Marine Road for a latte, but she had just had a macchiato in the Starbucks in Bloomsfield shopping center and anyway Kathleen was waiting for her in the Starbucks at the bottom of Marine Road. 

She feared that the shuffle back home would be a bit of an ordeal, all that caffeine and the cold gusts of wind were playing havoc on her bladder. 

We really have not one, not two but three Starbucks in Dun Laoghaire. All within half a mile of each other. And the local grannies now need to smoke a big fat spliff before going to bed, to take the edge off all the caffeinated drinks they imbibe during their round of the Two Euro shops... 

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