Bonnington Road

The kinda day when....

It's your WFH day, but... You have a course to go on. 8 miles away. From 11-1. That is (obv) pointless. And its pissing down, so you can't even take the bike as you'll squelch through the two hours all soggy... And I've a mountain of work to do.

So I drove there; wipers full on, system up, Ice Cube playing, stopped for some photos (no Cigs, there's no Cigs there. Well, there's one I did ages ago but it was so wet, you couldn't even see it...merged into the grey it was) and sat and politely listened to a man who gave a very engaging talk about ID fraud; counterfeit and forged passports and driving licenses. How to spot the copies using UV light and magnifying glasses (which of course I always have handy)
At the end of it I chatted to him. "Was that useful to you?" Er no, all I need is NINO; nothing else. So nice talk, but no use to me. Thanks for your time... And as I left, the sun was shining and the wind would have sped me home.... Ah well.

After that my motivation to work was shot; I pestered a few people on the phone til 4 and then got the boys, took them to do Cigs as a treat (!) and then home for sofa and homework and toad in the hole (courtesy of Danny, Champion of the World)

Black paint etc etc

Extra is the big yin peering over the wall

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