What a lovely day we had today.
Everyone slept until they woke up so all were happy and refreshed when they got up, me included (despite a late night and wine with Marisol last night).
I spent some time looking at photos to use as inspiration for a felt picture then made pancakes for everyone. I started work on my felt piece but the battery died on the macbook which I was using to look at the image I had chosen. While I waited for it to charge Carlos and I decided to go to the garden centre and the children went down to the open air pool.
Carlos and I had a nice quiet cuppa, picked up a few plants, another (hopefully better) squirrel resistant bird feeder, then had a nice stroll along the path at Lunderston Bay. Carlos has been a bit poorly since we came home from Carradale and this was his first day of being out and about again so we just took it easy.
I love this time of year when there is a profusion of wild flowers everywhere and I am enjoying the trend to allow them to grow, I've noticed more and more verges and 'meadows' which used to be trimmed and landscaped which are now being allowed to bloom naturally and are attracting lots of bees and butterflies.
The weather was fairly pleasant while we walked and I spent a wee while planting my purchases and organising the bird feeders when we got back.
I finished the first phase of my felt picture whilst watching the tennis then spent the rest of the evening watching TV as a family and knitting.
I'm really enjoying the sensation of being off work tonight, think it's because it's Sunday and that's usually when I'd be psyching myself up ready to face a Monday morning. I do have some work to attend to while I'm off but at least I can do it in my own time and on my own terms. Carlos is only off for one more week so this week will just be about relaxing and spending time together.
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