Don't Make Spade Work , Use The Bin.

As most know I am  true loather of litter . It creates 'spade work ' or worse still, get's left making a shocking mess. Here you see one spotted today in the area where I live ( Charlottenburg) Next to it I've put a tiny Bear with a spade . The Bear being the symbol of Berlin seemed a must to use and make a mini collage. From place to place these bins change their message whilst concentrating on the no litter  policy. It seems to work well and they are fun. I now find myself looking for new ones. Google translate isn:t great on this .Basically it is reads modern and chic Charlottenburg. Flotte also rhymes so well with Charlotte.  She was a rather special lady .(That can wait for another day ).  Underneath in smaller print it reads " Together for a beautiful Charlottenburg "

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