Unexpected model

A fairly quiet day after yesterday night's entertainment; in fact, I managed a wee lie-in this morning.

A brief blip-stroll was taken in the early afternoon, mostly to get my nose out of the door and to see what the spate waters had wrought. As it happened, the water level had fallen back quite a bit, and our local moorhen nest seems to have survived. I even saw a kingfisher :))))) (far too fast to get the camera switched on, though!)

I was taking a few pics of this Hedge Woundwort (Stachys sylvatica) when the bumblebee flew into shot. I think she's Bombus pascuorum.
Reading up about the flower later, I discovered that the woundworts tend to be pollinated by bumblers, as they have tongues long enough to reach the nectar, as you can see from this one :)
Some bees' tongues are too short, but they bite a hole in the base of the flower to get at the extra sweet nectar that way...

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