
Processed just to emphasise the point that we had clear blue skies and a guest appearance from the sun today. The skies were this blue and the sun was as gold as that clock, the temperatures were rising again and there was hot mist ascending from the latent puddles on the floor. Yes summer returned, it was baking and I was running in a race.

It was the Jane Tomlinson 10k which I did with my friends Liana and Andrew.

Running in heat is far harder than running in biblical rain and it was a tough race. Never the less I felt really strong and loved every single minute of it.

Am still trying to work out how after a week of not drinking I have managed to run this course 5 mins slower than 2 years ago. This is really not the reward system I was hoping for. Still, best not give up at the first pint of lime and soda hurdle and all that. I can do this . I really can do AFJ ( Alcohol Free July) .

Brilliant day though, brilliant weekend all round. Parties, park runs, meals being cooked for me and chill time.

Feeling good


( Oh but if you could tell me what time the adoption agencies open in The morning that would be grand. Erin has come home from her Dad's with a T shirt saying " LOL " on it. This is a low point in this house. Text speak is the devil's work. The devil's work I tell you).

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