Istanbul Barbers
Not a flattering angle, and fake looking smile (I'm definitely not a selfie expert!), but it's literally my only photo of the day, so it'll have to do. Anyway, blip is just a photo diary for me...
It's such a pleasure having my hair cut by Ahmed (or any of his staff actually). I'd actually decided I was just going to pop into the one nearest to school to save time in my manic day, but having sat there listening to the tone and content of the "chat" between the hairdressers and clients while waiting my turn, I realised I couldn't do it to myself, so walked out and drove over to Freeman St...
Not a great day, tbh - still struggling with cold, Y11 stropped on me, lessons weren't great, stressed colleagues, lots of urgent little things (some big, actually...) - so marking piles untouched - full teaching day then parents evening tomorrow (this evening actually, as I'm posting at 5am...). Things have to change, I think. Just got to work out how. But it will happen :)
PS This sounds very negative - stress talking!! - but there were actually several bright moments, like the banter with Caleb and Jack, and support from colleague when I'd had enough at about 9.30... Always hard because obviously as a senior manager I'm supposed to be one of those who's calmly holding it all together... :D.
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