Downy Woodpeckers ....

Female (on left) and male (on right). 

Even though R tried to keep up with the snow removal throughout the day yesterday as the snow piled up, there was still some digging out to do today as well.  When the storm was done we ended up with about 4 inches shy of 3 feet .... 31.9 inches!

As R was cleaning off his truck this morning our neighbors twins were having some fun in their yard ... see extra #1.  While our other neighbor pulled his car into our street in order to clean it off!

Here are a few more shots of R's trunk ... during the blizzard and the next morning.   And here's our back yard (there's a pool under there somewhere!) and another snow covered squirrel.  I don't think we will be swimming any time soon! 

Thank you for the well wishes yesterday!  We have come through the storm none-the-worse-for-wear!  Just looking forward to Spring all the more now!

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