The Way I See Things


Mono Monday: Selfie

Alternative title: Nokia, with frizzy bokeh.

Second alternative title: Oh, Suzannah - what have you made us all do??!

I had a wonderful surprise this morning: a parcel arrived from Canada, containing a portrait of Roley, and a lovely fleecy scarf. I was astonished, but delighted - thank you my friend, I have been warmly wrapped in your kindness and generosity (and your scarf!) all day. 

I'd like to remind other friends that the Stratford blipmeet is this Wednesday: details have been posted in Blipfoto Friends on Facebook. Instead of complaining about today's challenge, I really should thank osuzanna for giving me this opportunity to post a photo of myself, so that people who've never met me before will be able to identify me at the gathering!

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