
A brief break in the grey with a rainbow spreading across the sky so I popped into the field to take a photo. I did nt get too wet as the rain had blown past.
Just had some haggis, neeps and tatties  to celebrate Burns Night.
This is one of my favourite poems -

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in te Highlands a chasing deer;
A chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the north,
The birth place of Valour, the country of Worth,
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for everI love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green vallies below:
Farewell to the forests and wild hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud pouring floods.
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a chasing the deer:
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.

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