Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

The long drive home

Stopped off at Cambridge services on the A14 for breakfast, my choice was rather limited to McDonald's but I just can't face their awful coffee so Costa it was (for coffee, I totally had a sausage and egg mcmuffin).

Two hours after this (total travel time is 3 hours) I was home. Ferd and Mr Mouse were very excited to see me.

After a shower and the glorious feeling of finally washing my hair (my dads shower is a pathetic trickle and would have taken ages to attempt to wash it) I have then spent the rest of the day feeling sick and in pain and in bed. Oh and there has been crying cause of the pain.

A link popped up on my Facebook with the headline yuppie flu in reference to M.E erm I am not a yuppie and I most certainly don't have flu, I do have a chronic dehabilitating neurological condition that means my 69 year old dad is in better shape than me.

Did I enjoy my weekend?


And that means the pain is worth it.

But I'm still allowed to cry, sometimes it's not fair being 36 and in a broken body, but then I've had a broken body my whole adult life and after 18 years I am able to more than I ever thought possible. However I just wish that people could see and understand. How long before the term yuppie flu is binned? How long before people see that despite being broken I fight with my body every day? How long until people realise that I'm not faking being sick, I'm faking being well?

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