Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

High Tide

Stopped off on the way home from Carlisle to look at the high tide and take a few photos with the phone.  I really liked the black sky and just as I pressed the shutter the sun came out for a second and brightened up the grass.  I noticed  the sheep were still on one section the marsh which is unusual as they normally get taken off when the tide is high.  Just as I spotted a group of five sheep huddled together on a grass mound surrounded by water a farmer turned up as somebody had reported them to him.  It turned out they were not his sheep!  He said they would be fine as the tide had started to go down.  His sheep who usually graze to the left of this image had been taken off the marsh.  I really hope the farmer who owns the other sheep removes them by tomorrow as it will be high tide again with very windy and wet weather.

Walked Misty in Rickerby Park, Carlisle this morning and the ground is drying out nicely.  We were there for nearly an hour but poor Misty didn't get playtime with any four legged friends.  She could have played with a little Border Terrier if she'd bothered to get out the water.  She did wait patiently for a whippet to stop sniffing something but eventually got bored waiting as did I :)  

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