Who knew?

By InOtherNews


It was a real chore to get this shot. Our local woodpecker doesn't like the slightest movement at windows when feeding, so I had to stand for ten minutes motionless waiting for him to come and feed. We saw he was in the area whilst eating lunch from the window, he was doing his usual trick of flitting from tree to tree, assessing the situation as he does. I took up position in our snug, drew the curtains across so just my lens poked out (oo-er) and waited.

When he finally came back he took his time clinging to the bird table watching the nuts and waiting for his chance. All the time my shutter was going into overdrive.

The photo wasn't great as it was taken through a window so I used some of the Nik Colour Efex magic to give it some glow. I'm happy with the result.

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