Monday Monday

New regime: lunchtime walks. 
Equipment needed: a camera, a warm hat.
Benefits: fresh air, photo opportunities, perspective.

Today's wandering took us to the wonderful market hall where we were expecting to find crowds of interesting people to capture. However, the majority of stalls were closed which gave us the opportunity to nosey around a bit although the emptiness did feel somewhat apocalyptic. If we were the only survivors, at least we'd be able to eat our dinners in peace at funky cafes with interesting cutlery holders. We'd probably have to cook for ourselves though, which would be a distinct downer.

We emerged to find that the rest of the world did still exist and so we hot footed it to Trivolle club. The kids were on good form today and hopefully they appreciated SS's brilliant message about identity. We stayed afterwards for a cheeky staff game where the girls lost, but lost in style. 

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