Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Again but this time for mono Monday. After playing taking selfies the other day while waiting on a sheep gather I decided to try a different tack as my arm is not long enough to get me + dogs all in one shot and no selfie of me would be complete with out my canine friends. So camera perched on a ruined wall and set on 10 sec timer then scramble to try to get us all in shot.  Bonny the collie here on holiday loved it and was right in for a cuddle you can see her right against my neck, Tess the kelpie went into hiding you can see her just disappearing behind me! My four collies had the idea kind of and Dris was as usual doing his own thing so hes a blur entering the corner of the frame. 10 seconds is a very short time to organise 7 dogs and myself into frame for a photo. 

9c 17mph W overcast with heavy rain for a time.

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