Merrick and Buzz Lightyear

We picked up our kids from the airport this afternoon, and are settled into our place at Disney. Our friends Marty and Toni hooked us up through the Disney Vacation Club. Very nice digs, with buses running right out our front door.

We rode the buses over to Disney Springs, a big complex of restaurants, attractions, and gift shops. PLENTY of gift shops, with EVERYTHING Disney.

Our plan is to hit the Magic Kingdom when it opens at 9 a.m. in the morning, armed with a stroller for Merrick, complete with a small cooler to carry in water.

I have one other plan on my agenda. 43 years ago, Lisa and I went to Disneyworld on our honeymoon. We were 20 and 19 years old. We were having a swell time when a large rodent started bothering us, or at least bothering Lisa.

Either Chip or Dale (the one with the red nose), the giant chipmunk...starting hitting on my new wife...putting his arm around her, looking down her top, yada yada yada.

At the time, I didn't say anything, and really...what could I have done? The chippie was 7 feet tall!

But now...43 years later...I'm going after him. Tomorrow is my day of revenge. Sure, it's not the same kid inside the costume...but I don't care. Chip (or Dale) is going down. VENGENCE IS MINE!!! NOBODY MESSES WITH MY LISA!

I'll let you know how it goes. A few other shots from Disney Springs are on my Flickr page.

Night night. I hope I can sleep tonight. The excitement is killing me. I feel like a kid again.

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