I gave you my number...again!

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I gave you my number - first time round!

Hard choice today. It was a tad windy which makes macro photography rather frustrating. But this yellow dung fly was as still as a statue. They're basically the equivalent of lions on the flowers, as they have to stay as still as can be in order to grab poor unfortunate smaller flies for their dinner! Whether he/she was successful is anyone's guess, but I have witnessed a few lucky strikes!

As for Larry:

The importance of being Larry

Another sad day, had to stay at home as had something rather important to do this afternoon. All done, hopefully all settled, the hardest decision has been made. But I'll explain it some other day, as want it 100% confirmed! I miss her, my mum, she was everywhere again today, she was with me in the night, I felt her with me & I felt her holding me when I woke up this morning. I feared she'd leave me after time, I still fear it, but every time I fear it the most, she comes closer & stays for longer. xxx

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