Salvador Davi

Still celebrating my birthday, my wonderful husband had more planned for the day. This weekend a special exhibit on Disney and Dali opened up at the magnificent Dali Museum.  While we have visited the museum many times, viewing the unparalleled collection of his finest works always leaves us feeling like we have just scratched the surface of his talent.  He was humorous, edgy, obsessed, brilliant and weird.  But he did leave a mark not only on the art world, but in film.  This special exhibit shows how Mickey Mouse Ears and melting clocks have a lot in common.  Both artists, Disney and Dali, had a desire to embrace new medias.  The exhibit was a treasure trove of paintings, story sketches, films and photographs of both Walt Disney and Salvador Dali. We saw the short film "Destino" on which the artists collaborated but never released. While the film was a blend of both Dali and Disney's styles, personally I think it was over the top for a Disney production. 
Hope you enjoy my Salvador Davi photo!

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