Morning sun
By the time I dragged myself away from the irrisistable warm bed + good book combo, the sun was burning the fog off.
A little later, one from the list of jobs I've been putting off - clearing out what will be Mr B's tool cupboard. Very dusty, and about 12 layers of wallpaper to scrape and clear. But mostly done now.
To clear my lungs from all the dust, out into the sunshine to continue the endless job of painting the shed. Helped along the way with This Sceptred Isle 1087 - 1327, and then 1327 - about 1399. Tomorrow I'll need to do the scary walking on the roof stuff (hmmm, wonder if I should have thought to do that on a day when the kids are at home...) and then the white trim. And all to the tune of 1399 - 1547 (or if it takes longer than anticipated, 1660).
Tonight, prawns for dinner.
It's literally all go here in the country.
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