Sunday Swan

I decided I wanted to experiment some more with mono portraits of swans and there were some very obliging ones at Sence Valley Forest park. I headed back there today, I was worried at first as I didn't find them where I'd expected to - I did find a Teal for the extras. I needn't have worried though they were just at the other end of the lake on the bank preening. Perfect for what I wanted, and they were incredibly tolerant - I had to take my teleconverter off as they came too close. It was good to observe them up close and try to capture the essence of their personalities, I've included some of the others in the extras. I'd love your feedback on them as it's something I'm thinking of working on as a project.

Time to go and work some culinary genius for hubby now, he's been very patient with my photography time

Hope you had a good day

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