
By Fisherking

........Roisin Dubh............

Up early and off to the tackle shop to meet the boys..............brought breakfast home for the Daughter and I..........and then we went off to the Funeral Directors.

Paid the invoice........and collected Helen's ashes and brought them home.

Spent the rest of the day tidying the house....the S & H played hockey this afternoon...and then they all came over to eat..........nice to see them all cosey in their new car.

The Daughter has decided to commemorate her Mum by turning some of her clothes into cushions............this one is for me......I only saw Helen in this top once.........but I chose it because not only does it remind me of her but also of a concert we went to many years ago.......May 2nd 1979 to be exact.

For those of you who don't have any Gaelic Roisin Dubh translates as "The Black Rose" or "Little Black Rose"...........the concert was Thin Lizzy Live and Dangerous in the Apollo............and it was just after they had released the album Black Rose: A Rock was one of the top three concerts we went to over the years.........Thin Lizzy...........Rod Stewart......and Fleetwood Mac.

I think I might just put the Live and Dangerous album on to play a few tunes before bed.

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