The many faces of Munchie...

Sadly our day started at 4:30!
Daddy went to munchies room, he fell asleep and Munchie came in with me, by which time, Wom had also woken up and joined the party.

Ballet done
Grumpiness set in for everyone.

Persuaded Wom to have a sleep.
Munchie and I put her big girl seat into the car and tidied out the front up, daddy tidied inside.

I took the children to croome this afternoon whilst daddy continued to tidy and sort.

Both children went loopy
Baths done and both asleep by 7pm

Done lots of work tonight, fortunately so, as turns out I'm off on a secret trip tomorrow.
#birthday week starts here,

I've been told to be ready for 12:45
Lee is in on what it is.....

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