The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

This morning, early, a little old chap could be seen taking a large bouquet of flowers and a vase down to the local bowls green.
Patiently, he dug a small hole in the flower bed, as he does each time, placed the vase full of water carefully in the hole, and then added the bouquet.

I wasn't there, but I can hear him saying, "There you go, Bunt, happy anniversary," as he has every year since she died. He is a forgetful old so-and-so, not helped by two strokes and a couple of brain surgeries, but he never forgets this date, as he never forgot it when they were together. She never went without flowers. Or a card. Usually it said "To Muv, all my love, P xxx"

My lovely Nan's ashes are scattered at the bowls club, in the flower bed, as she specifically requested. Every birthday, wedding anniversary, the anniversary of her death and - this one gets me most of all - Mothers Day, my Granddad takes her a large bouquet of flowers.

Today, they will be playing for the bowls trophy he set up in her name. She would have liked that.

Happy 63rd Anniversary, Ageds. x

(She used to sing this a lot...but in the key of Hilda Ogden.

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