Paris Day #2

Quintessentially Paris!

We found a church this morning and headed off to Mass. I understood the sermon and had to remember as much as I could to let Mr B and Little Miss get the main gist.

Then we went to see the Sacre Coeur and Montmartre; pretty impressive!

The Moulin Rouge was the next on our list (can't believe in all the times I've been to Paris, I've never been past the Moulin Rouge!). Duly photographed, we moved on.

These mobylettes were parked on the side of the road and I just thought they looked typically French! I didn't take many photos with my camera today, as the weather was pretty average.

We popped into Galerie Lafayette, and looked at the impressive dome, before going to H&M to boost Little Miss' wardrobe - she will keep on growing at an alarming rate!

We ended up at a restaurant called Moutarde Street for dinner. Not terribly French, but easy and tasty and we were tired!

Night all.


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