
...settling over the fields, as the mist gently rises.

Firstly thanks to everyone who sprinkled hearts and stars on yesterday's ice-breaking swans - a serendipitous find that made going out early worthwhile.

By contrast, this is the only photograph I took today, snatched on the way home from and excellent social and planning meeting with the local botanists who are helping me record the flora of South Lincolnshire. We've more or less sorted out our programme of summer meetings, the first of which is in a village with an excellent tea shop. Sounds good!

Having rained most of the day, the sky cleared late in the afternoon. The remaining clouds on the eastern horizon had been flushed with pink as I drove along, and the nearly full moon was nestled among them, but there was nowhere to stop. By the time I found a safe place to park, the light had nearly gone, making it quite hard to take an image with the iPhone, but the gnarled oak and soft mist were some compensation.

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