Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Oh the indignity...

'SHE takes me to the Vet and he shaves my beautiful fur...

Then, then, he puts this cone thing on (and its stayed on, aren't I good) for over 24 hours....but I'm too sore to want to do much except I want to escape from this house for a few hours, which I'm not allowed to do :(

So here I am, waiting for the time to come of removal.  I can't do much and I keep bumping into things...

Good thing is that I'm being given all sorts of extra treats, like tuna for dinner!  Yum, yum!!  And....she's bought me a kong filled with catnip :)

I wonder if I can milk it for longer?'

For those who haven't read, my poor Billy Boy had a large abscess (about the size of my small hand)?  removed form his side yesterday evening, and a sample sent for analysis in case...

I am exhausted, and we're both off for an early night.  Last night Billy woke me up at 12.50am by sitting on me!  He hasn't done that for years...he doesn't normally sit on me...  He just wanted reassurance I think.

I have now got to try and bathe the wound :(  

Roll on the weekend...I am mainly staying at home, though may go to test drive a car tomorrow!

Happy Friday folks :)

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