Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Man and His Dog

Ferd got to go for his promised swim today.

Annoyed that there were far too many men fishing and not enough spots for Ferd to go swimming :(

I think that as a country park catering to all its visitors there should be a dog swimming section.

If I won the lottery (yep the imagined lotto win that we all have and I am sure we all have many fantasy surrounding this win) then I would let up a dog walk - Humans must be accompanied by dogs - and there would be all sorts of fun things for dogs to do and of course there would be a lake for dogs to swim in - but also some shallow paddling pool type areas for little dogs and spray jets and all manner of fun (you know like in those kiddie water parks) - Ferd thinks its an awesome idea.

Well I think its afternoon nap time

(I do have a picture to post for yesterday - its of my stall at yesterdays community fair only my phone has run out of charge)

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