This yellow weed has been flowering since October. I think I might start considering it a proper garden plant if it will flower at this time of year. That's not the sky in the background, btw, but the barbecue wall with sunshine on it.
So, finally the rain and mist and gloom have wandered off for a few days (hopefully) and this afternoon was glorious. Admittedly sitting outside at 4pm with a magazine was a mistake, as the heat of the sun had gone by then and I still haven't properly warmed up again.
The final step with the car was done this morning when the garage (after some initial problems due to my number plate holes being in the wrong place) fixed the new plates on. Now all my polite driving is for nothing in terms of making French people think better of British folk. Perhaps I can start tailgating and forget I have indicators?
Some building materials purchased for the shed interior (prompting some incredulity in the M. Bricolage parking lot when I managed to get a 240 x 60 bit of ply into an Avensis. Such are the achievements in my life currently. Do you think I can put that on my cv? What would I call it? Excellent automobile interior spatial management skills?) Busy building day tomorrow.
Mr B had some good news in London, and is currently driving north in the hope that the news in Edinburgh is also good.
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