Railing Shadows

A normal morning for us – this first this week.  Poor BB had been hoping it was Friday, so he could stay in be a bit longer though.  Work passed in a flash of meetings and a huge volume of e-mails – I was glad to leave and know that that was me finished for the week.

At least I was home in time to allow BB have some tea before he went to cubs tonight.

I got a text from TT saying that they had had snow overnight and the local people were very excited, as it doesn’t happen very often.  Before he went he had been wondering how cold it would be, as he was going to be just below the line where heating is allowed.   I will have to find out more about this on his return.  Maybe he will be like BB at cub camp and just wear all the clothes he has taken with him at once!

I spotted these shadows on my way to collect BB from after school club.


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