Nipped out into the garden in my night attire to get an early frosty picture. There's not a lot of colour in our garden, apart from green.
I signed up to the online photography course 'A year with my camera' at the end of last year. There are a lot of Blippers doing it and although I haven't posted anything yet, I do read the weekly emails and try to carry out the challenges. Today the subject was aperture so it was a good opportunity to fiddle with my f stops.
I feel like a big lazy lump having spent most of the day under a duvet watching Harry Potter films with a 'poorly' Poppy. She claimed to feel ill but seemed to perk up considerably once I agreed to let her stay at home. Various conversations we have had recently have led me to suspect that she is feeling a lot of pressure about forthcoming SATS. It seems like a great deal of stress for a 10 year old. The school are holding a meeting about preparation for the tests next week so that will either make us even more worried or put our minds at rest.
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