Parents evening
Actually very enjoyable... I remember one of my early St James' parents evenings, where a governor's wife asked me how her son was doing - I said "not very well, I'm afraid" and then started telling her about his distractibility, and got my markbook to tell her his marks - but before I could, she stood up, said "I'm not going to sit here and listen to my son being insulted" and stormed off... Whereas these days, for whatever reasons, no-one is any trouble, and there always several who want to tell me how much their son / daughter loves Geography and has already decided they are going to do GCSE / A-level / degree in Geography or Geology... Sorry if that's a bit "show-offy", but just want to share a nice thing. The evening was enhanced because some of my favourite people (Caleb, Vicky, Rosie) were "serving", and then I got another good chat over a pint with my mate... Pic was taken after return from pub to pick my stuff up.
Another beautiful day, weather wise, too.
Feel like I'm floating through life at the mo... Makes a pleasant change from a few days ago...
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