
By Happyframe

Lady Elizabeth Catherwood

I heard this lady being interviewed at a thanksgiving service yesterday.
It was to celebrate the opening of the new HQ in Oxford of IFES and UCCF.
Our son Andrew is head of Global Communications for IFES, a charity taking the Christian message to students around the world and supporting them through their studies and life in general.

To say this elderly lady was inspirational is an understatement.
She is the daughter of Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones a renowned preacher and prolific writer of bible commentaries etc.
She spoke briefly about her early experiences and involvement in student life through the years, eventually becoming the vice president of IFES.

Having chatted to us personally, she was telling Mr HF what a joy it was to be growing old and to recall life's experiences and enjoy one's grandchildren.
I told her I wouldn't moan about the aging process again as she had transformed my outlook on growing old. I hope I can keep to my word!!!

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