a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Reflections of January

This is a photo taken from Bristol's Spike Island towards Hotwells.

I've been trying to get a bit of a walk in during my lunch hour recently.  In part because I've still not completely thrown off the after effects of my New Year cold, and in part because I need to loose the weight I put on in December.  I love the run up to Christmas, but all the indulgence has to be paid for ultimately, and January is as good a time as ever to pay off that tab. I'm still not quite fit enough to start training properly again, so a good long walk at lunchtime is the best I can do.  I managed to sneak in 8km today (5 miles in old money).

It was -5.5C first thing this morning although by lunchtime the temperature had managed to creep up to a tad above freezing. Bristol's floating harbour looked wonderful and there are any number of pictures I could have uploaded, but this one gives you a feel of the day and the wonderful light.  We are more used to misty greys at this time of year here in the UK, so this is not a typical January picture by any means.

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