
By pensionspoet

Elm Hill.....again

My brief walk at lunchtime was purely to get a blip photo - so where better to find one but Elm Hill. The phone seems up to the task and I took this from the top looking down. Many months ago I blipped a building to the right just out of view, The Britons Arms. I haven't discovered how to add a hyperlink back to that blip yet...but with the recent good news that blip is likely to survive, I still have time to learn.

I managed to get to work a bit earlier as Jon was at home. A long day I left just before 5. There is so much to learn about my new phone. But now that I'm able to blip, text, whatsapp, facebook & even ring people... I think it's going to be good!

I don't want to spend all evening looking at this screen. I plan an early night & hopefully to finish reading a book I only started after Christmas. That's a record for me!

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