Carrubers Close
On a day when the highlight was my team getting cuffed in the cup - only 2-0 - last time it was 6-0. So progress, I guess.
Another day, another pointless training course. Set against a 25% reduction in staff by probably May (thanks Dave C, George O), I am still incredulous that I'm being asked to do a training course on something I don't do, don't need to know and there's a 1 in 4 chance I'll never need to know it. Pardon me if I don't show any interest in it.
As I sneaked home from town under cover of darkness, I took in the 3rd of 4 recentish Cigs things in here. As I was taking the shot, I heard a walking tour approaching and could here an American tourist utter 'Say buddy, are you sure it's safe to go up here? It looks kinda creepy and weird, huh?' To which the tour guide said something reassuring like 'It's fine, nothing to worry about'.
So as they rounded the corner and the 18 of them find me with the camera set up to take the shot, they all looked at the guide, silently went 'aye, right!' I would have scared them further by launching into a brief history of Cigs (parts 17-24), but I was tired and figured the guide could us the tips, so quietly packed up and left, under the wary gaze of 17 tourists and their quietly seething guide.
Extra is the close up and even then it's still a fairly elusive Cigs.
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