Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


I was all planned to blip a sunrise, but Mr (or Mrs) Heron paid a visit to the jetty opposite this afternoon (shot from the 3rd floor) :)

After almost no sleep last night (being awake from 2.30am and not really sleeping again) I managed to get to work on the train today.  The temperature was minus 4 the taxi driver said....and he was in shirt sleeves as if it were midsummer!!!

Got to work and found a beautiful view of the sunrise(in extras) and the Foundry Brook was frozen at the edges....  More shots in flickr another day :)

Came home with loads to do for tomorrow evening when I'm leading  Prayer and Communion, and promptly feel asleep on the sofa :( :(, so now to get on!  

I'm driving tomorrow, so can leave home a  bit.later but not much as I need to start at 8am because I'm finishing early...  There maybe no blip tomorrow at all, will see!

Happy Tuesday folks :)

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