Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

A sign from above

Have been thinking about picking up the camera more regularly, a hobby that has seriously fallen by the wayside.  Where pictures of the girls have been in their hundreds per month, there have been a few in the last six months where there have been none at all.  Not good enough.

I have an exciting foreign trip coming up, and a camera kit rucksack I ordered was delivered yesterday that will enable me to have all I need at hand on location.  However, after packing it all up and actually looking at it this morning before leaving for work and thinking, "No, I'll take it another day," I was greeted with this amazing sky as I drove through the Peaks.

It's a sign I tell ya.

So I grabbed an iPhone shot whose quality I am extremely less than happy of as a reminder to get myself sorted and carry my kit around so I can capture such amazingness in the quality it deserves.  Great sky, shit camera.

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