Blip Meet Plus

I became an honorary student of an Ohio high school today as I joined these four cool gals for a rollicking lunch together. I haven't laughed so much in a very long time. You might recognize Tookie and Connections on the back left and middle. They went to the same high school and played in the same band and only found out because of Blip. K on the right and P in front also were in that band. And all four lived close to each other. I got to hear many stories and laugh along with the four as they reminisced. Much fun. We were celebrating P's new house which we all loved. I am so glad P moved to Bellingham.

Before I got to P's I checked my email. How wonderful to read the latest news about Blip. It is looking very hopeful. I had a great day today. Thanks Ladies. And thanks Blip Futures.

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