and through the wire...

By hesscat

A Good Day

It might not be all done and dusted, but I'll take a punt and risk a wee traditional celebration, as one does! I am hoping most people will have read blipfuture's post today and the good... great... fantastic news that negotiations with blip's current owners have proceeded well, to the point that we have raised enough funds to proceed! Hurrah!

It's funny... sort of... that the initial disappointment of a lower number of active blippers resulted in a bargaining tactic to have the selling price lowered, who'd'athunkit? It might have been a tough 43 days to go and raise a further £50K, but hopefully those 43 days can now be used to begin again...

I know there a lot of dismissive views of the current owners, but I have read a number of comments suggesting they were not so bad. They didn't have to buy it back in March and keep it running for the next 9 months, I guess they took a punt while they searched for options, as investors do. So for them to drop the price giving us a chance of success is great to hear and I guess they may not be profiting from this.

I am sure that blipfuture's task to begin this campaign and get it to this stage must have been so tough, with some ups and downs on the way, but to do that with the weight of the rest of the community on their shoulders is amazing and they should be proud of themselves. As they say, there are further hurdles to cross and they will need further support but I'm happy to put today down as "a good day".

Today's monomonday theme is "tradition" hosted by osuzanna.

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