Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

What a day!

This is Murdoch looking worried about Luke - yes, it's an emergency blip so with a bit of licence it can pass as such! It seems as if I have been at doctors all day and have had no time to take any photos today. 

The morning started off with me visiting the chiropractor, I now am at the maintenance stage and my back is much better. Then I took Luke back to the doctor, who immediately did a blood test to check for the Epstein-Barr virus for glandular fever. However his glands and tonsils are so swollen and infected that she immediately referred him to an ENT. The poor boy is feeling ghastly and can barely swallow and is not eating much, has a temperature and a constant headache. As we are still waiting for the results of the blood test the ENT said it looks like glandular fever and there is no medication for him to take other than some steroids to try and get the swelling down so he can eat. Luke opted to take steroid pills rather than be admitted to hospital on a steroid IV drip. If it is not glandular fever, then the tonsil infection is so bad he has to be admitted to hospital tomorrow to go on an antibiotic IV drip for 24-48 hours. We will get the results tonight and then know the course of action to take.

While at the hospital, Luke had to have more blood tests to check his liver function as glandular fever affects the liver. I was sitting outside the room when all of a sudden I heard an alarm go off and staff rushing by, and it turns out that Luke had passed out so they had him on a bed with an oxygen mask. The poor boy is really not feeling well.

So after a day like that it was wonderful to hear that the negotiations have been successful and that Blipfuture is going ahead. Thanks to the fabulous four who have been driving this, and they have our unlimited gratitude. Also thanks to their partners who have had to put up with all the hours they have spent on Blipfuture on our behalf.

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