
By LottieOToole


This is Max, who also helps on the farm in the mornings and is an organ scholar at Carlisle catherdral in the afternoons, evenings and Sundays. 

Early mornings are spent on the quad bike feeding the sheep and cows and then often going to one or two other sites to feed the livestock there.

Every day is spent covered in mud, and today paint as we painted the inside of an out building. It was a long day and I realised I was tired when I went to the shop and asked for a 1st class 'stimp' .The lady who worked there realised she was tired when she asked for '£8.30' instead of 83p ....

Extras of sheep running for food -( I had them all looking at me perfect for a photo when Susan of course called them to the other side of the field for breakfast) and two of the Longhorn cattle enjoying their hay.

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