I am NOT Amused

I realise that some Corgis somewhere once said this but I refuse to believe the circumstances were the same.

The Boss, who had to be suffering from something, decided to restart his Mt Iron program this morning with the end of the lake totally invisible and general wetness just waiting to pounce.  
I might also mention that HE had a light jacket and a hat on.
In spite of this a lovely lady “K” thought I was wonderfully cute. It had to be me, there was no way The Boss was………..Right.
I also want to protest as there were other pics taken but not selected.
This is cruel and unusual (hmmm)  treatment?

Pawscript.  It is 4.30 and The Boss’s jeans and sweat have dried on the heated towel rail, his jacket is dry in the garage and he thinks his dog has forgotten the whole thing.


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