Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Boys and Mr G

Lovely day. Got down to Bodiam at about 11.00 and had coffee, then stomped around the castle until 1.45 when we drove over to Waldron, stopping on the way to pick up Mr B. Beery pub lunch and conversation until heading home about 4.45.

Bodiam is a 14th century castle that was the vanity creation of a knight from nowhere; a case of a title earned on the field of battle combined with riches acquired by marriage, both of which needed the endorsement of a physical structure that would impress your peasants and your King. It was rare in having glazed windows and many toilets (but no wi-fi). 

I think it was the company as much as anything that made the day - the young men really were on top form, great to be with. I love this picture it’s like a promo shot for a band - The Boys and Mr G?

When we got home we lit the candles and sang happy birthday to Top Gun and had FaceTime with the Girl Racer in Canada.

Nine o’clock bed time beckons after a successful but very full on weekend …

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