About to start a new project
But not tonight, too tired for that, so Tuesday is more likely. Will has requested a blanket and I have decided to try to follow a pattern! Watch this space...
Church this morning, when we came out nearly all the snow had gone. Mymaths for Will followed by a party at Space2Play. Jim dropped C and I to collect him and the three of us walked into town. Costa was very quiet but invitingly warm. Carys finally finished her letter to Chanel and Will waded through the rest of his homework. Daddy arrived in the middle of this and so the boys walked home together and the girls walked home separately, via Rubarb, for a successful rummage in their sale.
Pasta bol for tea after watching a bit of Ninja Warrior UK. Will was in bed by 18.30 and from the sounds of it, asleep soon after. Carys watched Country File and has just headed up.
Busy week coming, with drop in, Governor training, school trip on Thursday and working Friday morning. This half term is zipping by.
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