Blips and blops

By Mags

The best laid plans

Seconds after I took this shot of the snow and the rainbow the boy sat down very abruptly.  He had had 2 wee accidents on the floor the last two days which is not normal.  He was going to the vet tomorrow about this as we had wondered if he was drinking more.  We walked home and by the time we got home he looked as though he had a sore leg.  Having been through major back surgery in March 2015 I wasn't taking any chances with him and so we spent the morning at the vet school.  Once again, we met wonderful staff who were so caring, professional and helpful.  He was walking OK when we got to the vet and so after a thorough examination and a blood test, we will take him (and a urine sample) to his own vet tomorrow.  Not how we had planned the day, but we are so fortunate to have such wonderful services on our door step.   

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