
By MartinN

Three Strikes

Let's just say that Jessops have plummeted in my opinion!!

What I thought was a simple request to print photographs from 35mm slides seems to be have opened a mahoosive can of worms involving assumed knowledge, arrogance, defensiveness, blamestorming and a complete lack of pride in one's work, and none of this was from me!!

I was also served by a young girl who thought it was acceptable to wipe her runny nose with her bare hands before she gave me her pen and asked me to sign a piece of paper she was holding....It is not her fault she has a cold but it is deffo her fault how she copes with it!!!!!

On a brighter note, we saw the brilliant Nightcrawler on DVD last night.  An interesting story about the lengths some people will go to to get a Blip......

Tonight we are off to Cheltenham to see Room.

We are film-tastic ATM!! :-)

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