Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Tiny Hyacinth...

poking its head out :)

These were outside, but I've brought them in as its so cold today!

Apologies for lack of commenting, now I'm just getting organised to cook lunch and then go off to lead a service at church for 3.30pm :)

All being well tomorrow at 9am I have an appointment with the Orthopaedic specialist (I've seen the same one since 2010, no point in changing even if he has moved hospitals!) about my knee which is getting more and more painful etc.  Whether I'll need another arthroscopy or even a knee replacement (dread the thought, but if its needed....) I won't find out until then and probably X rays etc....

Really hoping it doesn't snow as that would cause immense difficulties for me getting to the hospital, I really need to drive but wouldn't want to drive in the snow!

Must crack on!

Happy Sunday folks :)

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